Friday, March 8, 2024

Down 30 Pounds-How Did I do it?

 Every day at the gym, for nearly the past 3 months, someone has asked me did I lose weight?  How much did I lose?  How did i do it?  And/or remarked of how great I look!  Why, thank you, thank you very much!

In all seriousness though, I changed the way I eat.  I was interested in learning more about the wheat belly and in searching online, I was led to Dr. William Davis and his wheat belly philosophy.  I spent hours upon hours listening to his podcasts, videos, and various interviews or lectures I found online social media outlets (mainly YouTube).  I think I "binged-watched" Dr. Davis for like 3 days in a row, non-stop.  I was so curious, and also he intrigued me.  I never had ever heard of his philosophy of food, but to me, his way of thinking "made sense" (for the most part) to me.  I became hooked, bought 3 of his books, based on what I felt I could afford to buy at the time.  

I considered doing his 10-day detox program, which mainly consisted of giving up sugar, wheat, and grains.  Since I was already eating a mostly clean diet, I did not experience severe sugar withdrawal symptoms.  However, I did experience some discomfort (mild), during the detox phase, maybe 3 days of extra rest needed, and my bowels slightly uncomfortable also (as I excreted the junk-gunk).  I know, TMI, right? Thanks for "bearing with me" here!

After the 10 day detox, I not only had lost around 4 or 5 pounds, but I also felt great.  I had clear mindedness and my body felt physically healthy.  So, I decided to continue on the wheat belly eating plan, if you want to call it that.  Dr. Davis also teaches about gut health, that is, how to develop a healthy micro-biome.  He's very famous for the yougurt with the organisms that promote gut health (I forget what they are).  And, also he teaches about eating kimchi or saurkraut for the gut also.

I am eating differently than before my introduction to wheat belly.  I seriously get complimented EVERY DAY, and those who know me in real life know that I am being truthful here.  (Well, ALMOST every day, but seriously, I am amazed at all the compliments I get on a REGULAR and ONGOING basis).

One of the benefits for me, after having lost the weight, is being able to do jumping jacks in dance fitness classes.  I used to not do those because I felt pain the next day whenever I would do a dance choreo with jumps.  I feel like the sugar reduction has also reduced any joint inflammation, resulting in greater mobility.  I also, just generally feel healthier and great.  So thankful.

I give all glory, honor and praise to my King and to my God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for helping me, and enabling me to get more healthy.  I'm very thankful He led me to the wheat belly and Dr. William Davis.  I hope and I pray that my physique and my dance fitness will be used for God's kingdom and for God's glory.  I long for many that I am around in the dance fitness world to be saved, to come to salvation, to know Jesus Christ and Christ crucified.  Would you please consider joining me in prayer to this end?  Let's agree in the spirit that all of our family, friends, loved ones, co-workers and those in our circles would be converted to Christ.

Thank you Heavenly Father, for EVERYTHING.  You are a sovereign God and You are in control of it all:  the world, my eating, my life.  I am thankful for who You are; thank You for creating me and for loving me.  What a wonderful and eternal God You are.  Help me live my life for You and for Your glory.  Lord I pray in Jesus's name, amen.

Thank you dear reader, for taking time to read my post today.  I hope it blesses someone out there, both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm, as well.  Blessings and shalom to anyone reading this now.

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