Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15

So far so good today. Did not make it to the gym last night. Boo! Oh well, today is a new day. Breakfast was one egg scrambled, with about a cup of sauteed veggies used country crock, one orange, one cup of nonfat milk, one cup of green tea with brown rice (so delicious, I love it), and about a 1/4 cup of mixed nuts. Should have waited to have nuts as a snack later in the day, but I was craving them in the morning. Oh well. Lunch was yogurt and fruit. Sort of grazing the mid day meal. Will eat a salad too. Dinner? Who knows? Will look in the fridge for something to put together. Leftovers of some sort. Zumba class with the wonderful Miss Jane tonight!! And, if I'm up to it, elliptical machine after that. Don't do good without a regular schedule. Sigh. Slept too much yesterday! Okay, today too is a new day! I have to tell myself this. I am smiling now as I read this!

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