Thursday, September 1, 2011

Food Related

I started a new position this week, and it has affected my eating routine. So, I am adjusting right now. I have a super early morning twice a week, which means cooking an egg with veggies, eating and cleaning up in time to leave, not to mention taking the time it takes for getting ready in the morning proves to be difficult. So, I have been taking 10 minutes in the morning to hard boil 2 eggs, cut up an orange and pack a yogurt for my breakfast, and have found myself grazing as time permits. So, I have to figure out how to better eat on these 2 particular days.

Yesterday, after dinner, I noticed that I still felt a mild hunger in my stomach. But, I had already eaten my dinner. It was about a half cup of cooked rice, some cabbage, and some fish and cucumber kimchi, plus a cup of non fat milk. So, really, with all that food in me, I shouldn't have been hungry. But, I was. So, I drank about a cup of water, and that helped. Then, I ate some fruit, about a cup worth of canteloupe that I had cut up in the fridge, and ate that along with a cup of Job's tears Korean hot tea! After that I was definately satisfied, if not full!!

But, prior to my new eating regimen, I might have just gone for an extra dose of rice, or fried fish, or more milk, or something like that!! I would have thought nothing of taking 2nds, because I felt the hunger in my stomach. But, this time, I chose to drink water and fill up on fruit instead.

I really like what I have achieved the past 8 months. I don't want to stop now. It is sustainable, because what I've chosen to do is make a lifestyle change, per se, not go on a temporary diet until I reach my goal. With change, there are always little hurdles to jump over, little hurdles, sometimes seemingly big hurdles, but, nevertheless, they are hurdles that can be overcome.

So, these are my thoughts for today. If you're reading this, thanks for letting me share. I mean, thanks for reading this. I wish you all the best on your own journey to health and wellness also.

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