Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How Do I Feel Today About "Things"?

Zumba in the morning, check. Eating healthy, check. Drank 8 glasses of H2O, check. Well, I was trying to decide between walking in the morning outdoors in the neighborhood today or going to Zumba class. Zumba won out! (I like being outdoors, especially when the weather is cool. But, Zumba is just so much fun-ner)!

Hit the 138 mark today. Cannot believe it. 8 more until my goal. If I hit that goal, then I'm thinking about making 5 more my goal after that. Why not?! Thinking today about this whole weight loss thing. Thought about how I actually enjoy challenges. Challenges that are "just right" like "Baby Bear". (Daddy Bear's chair was TOO BIG. Mama Bear's chair was TOO SMALL. Baby Bear's chair was JUST RIGHT. I like a challenge that is "just right", and, I feel like this path I've been on has been "just right".

Anyways, okay, also worried a tiny bit about losing muscle. I'm not, but, I also don't want to begin to lose muscle. So, am thinking about protein intake these days. How much is enough? When should I consume it? Am I getting enough for my needs? Should I add a protein shake? Why or why not? I need to get educated on this topic.

Trying to commit to physical exercise daily. At least a 30 minute walk on elliptical machine at the gym, or a 45 minute to an hour walk around the neighborhood in the mornings (beauty at that time all around me), or the one hour zumba class at the gym on the days it's offered. This week, so far, 3 days, and 3 days of exercise. Monday-45 minute walk outside, Tuesday-Zumba class, Wednesday-Zumba class, tomorrow-walk outdoors, Friday-Zumba class, Saturday-off/break/rest, Sunday-Body works abs class at gym. It's my plan. We'll see if it works or if I keep it up or not.

Nice afternoon chat today with Shivan. Talking with others about our weight loss and food journeys is so helpful to me!!

Hope you are doing well on your weight loss journey!

A gift of love to myself. Treating myself right (I like).

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