Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's Breakfast!

I am satisfied with my breakfast today, from a nutritional standpoint. One orange, one cup of nonfat milk, one cup of hot green tea, and one scrambled egg with veggies. The veggies were only a quarter of a tomato chopped (because the tomato was so large), a wedge of onion chopped, and some garlic. I seasoned the eggs with a little bit of cumin and oregano, salt and pepper, and used a little bit of Tapitio sauce on top. I haven't added the calories yet, but, it's not alot. An egg, milk, and the veggies all have under 100 calories (each). I love that I can eat about a cup or two of veggies, and I feel like I am eating alot but it's not. I'm getting fiber and nutrients from the veggies. OH, and there was a slice of cinnamon raisen bread too. I'm trying to get through both the freezer food and the fresh food in the fridge before it goes bad! The only "bad" thing was using about a tablespoon or so of country crock (vegetable oil spread) so eggs wouldn't stick to pan, and for topping on my toast. On the plus side, it wasn't like 3 or 4 tablespoons of oil!! But, still, oil contains alot lot lot lot of fat! So, I'm just saying.

Yesterday Josie gave me a compliment about my weight loss accomplishment. I so appreciate hearing the encouraging words of others. Surely exercise has played an important role in my weight loss as well. Yes, doing Zumba anywhere from 2 to 5 times a week has certainly helped, with an average of 3 or 4 times a week doing Zumba and some other form of exercise like walking on a treadmill.

Another thing that has also helped is doing it with someone else. Having Jane by my side has been another important factor in getting down in weight!!

Secretly, I want to work out this morning. It's Sunday morning. I have to, or am expected to, attend worship service. But, truth be told, I want to go take an aerobics class or Zumba class that starts at 8:30 AM!! That would mean being done by 9:30 and I'm not sure 30 minutes would be enough time to shower quickly and blow dry hair and put on make up and drive to service. I guess I could do it if I really pushed myself. Maybe next week I will do just that!!

Because, I LOVE the feeling of adrenaline rushing through my body after exercising!! It gives me more energy and I feel more alive, always, after any kind of a workout! So, yeah, this is my plan!! Why not?!

I love what I am learning from Dan Miller in his book, 48 Days to the Work You Love. He teaches that success in one area of our lives also affects the other areas of our lives; success in one area creates a kind of FLOW for success in the other areas as well. I used to be an indecisive person and it affected all the other areas of my life too. Now, I am becoming a more decisive being, and, through that, God is propelling me forward.

What I mean is, I am beginning to intentionally make positive deposits in ALL the other areas of my life (not just food for example). I decided to increase my personal development and learn something new. As a result of this decision, I "stumbled" upon a course catelogue at the library of which I decided to take an Arabic conversational class! I am so excited about this decision!! And, I can feel a momentum moving in my life now. So, go Dan Miller (lol).

No, I have not arrived, by any means. But, God is indeed using this 40 day time period to bring to a better place, this I have faith in.

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