Sunday, October 16, 2011

Green Tea for Breakfast

I love green tea! My 1st favorite brand is Kirkland's green tea, from Costco. My 2nd favorite green tea is the brown rice blend from the Korean markets. M-m-m!!

So, today's breakfast was one scrambeled egg, with one cup of mixed veggies like zuchinni, onion and cucumber. One orange, one slice of wheat bread with nutella spread, and one cup of non fat milk. One cup of hot green tea too. One multi-vitamin and fish oil supplement; I'm set.

I'm thinking that this is kind of a lot for breakfast. I'm thinking that I could split it up into breakfast with a part of it, and then a mid morning snack with the other part. I'm also thinking of eliminating egg every day. I am thinking of changing out the egg into a whole grain cereal of some sort, or maybe some fruit, nuts and yogurt. The options are endless. I am wanting to decrease the amount of cholesterol I consume.

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