Sunday, October 23, 2011

I'm Not at a Plateau Anymore

137 tonight at the gym with just a towel and flip flops on. I cannot believe it!! So, this tells me that my coach, trainer and friend, Jane, was right! She said to remain faithful and to keep eating right, and my body would do its thing. Well, those are my words but her concept!! I was around 139-141 for at least 3 months if not 4 or more!! I would have to check my actual records in order to know for certain. What I do know now, is, that, it is highly likely that my body will get down to at least 135 soon, and possibly 130 by the end of the year if not sooner. I feel like this is a strong possibility!!!

On another note, working out at the gym today was challenging. I did the elliptical machine for one hour. At the 30 minute mark I was ready to be done. But, I also wanted to push myself for another 30 because it's good for the heart and I like burning calories!! So, I did the 60 minutes in total, knowing that my body had rested enough. I hadn't been to the gym since Friday morning, so by Sunday afternoon my body should be able to hit the gym hard again. I could have given up like I did on Friday morning, but I didn't this time.

And of course, the usual jacuzzi time afterwards. That's my favorite part, indeed!

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