Saturday, October 29, 2011

Satisfied on Saturday

One half cup of oatmeal cooked with one cup of nonfat moo, some walnuts and a banana were for breakfast today. Snack was one orange and cup of hot green tea. Lunch was 2 corn tortillas with turkey lunchmeat, and half a tomato with jalenpeno sauce. Snacked on one small gala apple with peanut butter. And, too much peanut butter after that. One teaspoon. Then another. OMG it was so good. I had to stop! Dinner was fried potatoes with soy sauce and about a cup of soybean sprouts, along with a cup of nonfat moo. Small handful of nacho cheese tortilla chips. Oops! Not bad overall today. Just trying to use up what I have before buying more food. Trying. Goal is use up the items in the fridge, then the freezer, then the canned goods in the pantry. Would really like to do this.

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